printing header

When the final files for a Tashi book are ready, they are sent to the printer. If the book cover requires special finishes, the book designer Sandra will include instructions about them for the printer. For example, when the tenth book in the series, Tashi and the Royal Tomb, was first published, we decided to make it extra special by adding gold foil to the cover.

Instructions from designer to printer

designer instructions on gold foiling

The printer prepares a cover proof for the editor to check before it goes to press. The printer will also supply a set of laser proofs so the editor can check that the text, headings and page numbers are in the right position.

Proof copy with editor's corrections

cover proof

Final cover with gold foil

final cover with gold foil

Once covers are approved, printing commences. It usually takes approximately four weeks for Tashi books to be produced by the printer. They are then boxed up and sent to Allen & Unwin's warehouse, ready to be released to bookstores.

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